Handsome Furs / What About Us

DIRECTOR: Scott Coffey
CREDITS: (to come)

Handsome Furs / I’m Confused

DIRECTOR: Scott Coffey
Director of Photography: Reed Harkness, Grow Film Company
AC: Moira Morel
Editor: Sarah Marcus, Grow Film Company
Subpop Records

Wolf Parade / Yulia

Wolf Parade’s Expo 86 [SubPop 2010] has been the soundtrack of the summer of 2010 for me. When I first heard Yulia my head was flooded with images. The song is totally cinematic and has an urgent, longing drive that I wanted to try and express through images.

During the Cold War at the beginning of the Space Age, the Soviet Union was rumored to have two space programs – one a public program, the other a secret ‘black’ one, in which dangerous and sometimes downright suicidal missions were attempted. Cosmonauts would be shot into orbit without the means or resources to get them home, stranded in an expanding orbit around earth, slowly pulling away, frozen in space for eternity.

I wanted to create a kind of formal and slightly nostalgic vibe. At the same time, I wanted it to feel untethered to an exact era — not specifically in the past. I shot in Portland Oregon and a little in Romania and I was really inspired by Russian cinema and Communist propaganda posters. It was an ambitious idea and I’m really stoked that Deschutes Brewery and North were able to help support the production of this video for Wolf Parade’s great song, Yulia. – Scott Coffey

Director, Writer – Scott Coffey
Production and Editorial – NORTH
Cinematographer – Chris Hornbecker
Compositing – YardVFX
Visual Effects and Color – John Dames
Production Design – David Storm
Prop Stylist – Bowen Ames
Special Effects Make Up – Christina Kortum

Cosmonaut – Blair Mastbaum
Yulia – Katy Beckemeyer
Blond Soviet – Josh Pavlacky
Soviet #1 – Dan Frazier
Soviet #2 – David Storm
Soviet #3 – Scott Coffey

Lovestreams / There’s Video

DIRECTOR: Scott Coffey
DP: Scott Coffey
Edited by Gina Hirsch 
With Chelsea Lopez
Thanks: Tommy Kearns and Johnny North

The Head And The Heart / Down In The Valley

Directed by Scott Coffey
DP by Chris Hornbecker
Edited by Slater Dixon

Anya Marina / 16 Letters

Directed by Scott Coffey

Anya Marina / Move You

DIRECTOR: Scott Coffey
Reed Harkness, DP, Grow Film Company
Moira Morel: AC
Sarah Marcus, Editor, Grow Film Company
Music by Anya Marina
Video Commissioner: Jill Kaplan
John Rubeli, Chop Shop Records

Anya Marina / Satellite Heart

DIRECTOR: Scott Coffey
Twighlight New Moon Soundtrack

Death Vessel / Circa

Circa by Death Vessel
Sub Pop! Records

Directed by Scott Coffey
Director of Photography - Reed Harkness
Editor - Sarah Marcus
Super 8 transfer by Spectra Film & Video